Relationship Psychologist Services

Mentoring for Men

Lonely Knights - Mentoring for Men

Mentoring for Men: social, romantic, & intimacy skills Remember the times when men were gentle-men and knew the gateway to opening a woman's heart?

Times of intriguing conversation, glances of intimacy, sensuous kisses..... Times to explore a woman's secret passions...... Times to create safety for a woman to reveal her true Beauty.... And with this came long sighs and tender caresses..... My mentoring society assists men to become loving instead of lonely.

I counsel you on your social skills: how to get a date and make it fun, how to be mysterious and knowledgeable at the same time, in the same breath.

I teach you the language of romance spoken by the feminine mystique, woman. I assist you with intimacy explorations through books and videos.

If needed, we practice with role plays for you to achieve happy, fulfilling experiences with a lady.

If you are shy, inhibited, reclusive or unsure of yourself, then I can help you to unleash your inner confidence and convey it, to build a strong sense of attraction, to develop the dating skills, to become much more alpha by changing your biochemistry, to increase your physical and sexual prime by decades, to dramatically improve your posture and swagger, and acquire a proper healthy weight.

This is not a Tantra course, not a prostitute exchange, This is the real thing! Learn what all men crave to know in order to have companionship and sacred union.



Our couples counseling sessions can provide you and your partner in cultivating a supportive partnership.

Dealing with poor communication and understanding. How to overcome infidelity and dealing with partner who has cheated. Fear of commitment or intimacy. Not feeling loved. Your partner has changed and you don’t know what to do. The relationship has reached a plateau and you feel stuck. One of you want to leave.

You and your partner can learn and practice new communication skills, have your feelings heard and understood, strengthen your connection, explore patterns in your relationship, and support each other through difficult times. We offer couples therapy and relationship counselling on a range of topics, such as: relationship views, behavior modications, empathic communications, strengths promotion, and reducing emotional avoidance.



Through holistic psychotherapy approach to your struggles. we will explore how the trauma or abuse has impacted your relationships, functioning, and perceptions, We work on improving your current life through exploring your past and how its impacts your life. Through our relationship we can create a safe healing place.

How to get past difficulty from your experienced trauma recent or childhood abuse. that you are having difficulty getting past. How to recover from an abusive relationship and avoid future ones.

We live in a stressful world. Most disease are stressed-related. Through our sessions we can elevated work performance, increase mental concentration, lower anxiety, decreased fatigue, and enhanced sleep quality.

The Elderly

The Elderly

I am qualified to give skilled assessment and treatment of the problems of older adults, their families, and caregivers. Many of the mental and behavioral health problems inaccurately attributed to the natural aging process are preventable or treatable. Older adults often have complex, interacting mental and physical health problems that make the recognition and treatment of mental health disorders especially difficult without years of experience.

Psychological research has contributed significantly to the understanding and treatment of the major health concerns such as heart disease cancer, AIDS, mental disorders, dementia, diabetes, chronic pain, chronic respiratory ailments, and arthritis.

Most doctors who encounter an older patient to chalk up declining mental or physical health simply to “old age.” Depression is a specific concern that can initiate or exacerbate a decline in function and overall health. This is not considered a normal part of aging. Often doctors prescribe the drugs to patients with anxiety, depression, or sleeplessness, many of which are addictive. They do not spend significant time with the elderly to find non drug solutions to their underlying problems.
We do.

Life changes are significant as the elderly ages. Some seniors slow down physically and become compromised in their mobility and dexterity. As people get older, their mental health, physical health and personal relationships may start to deteriorate.

Physiological contributors include changes in metabolism, and shifting hormone levels, for example changes in melatonin levels resulting in altered sleep cycles.

Abuse of elders takes many different forms, some involving intimidation or threats against the elderly, some involving neglect, and others involving financial trickery. The most common are defined below.

Physical Elder Abuse

Physical elder abuse is non-accidental use of force against an elderly person that results in physical pain, injury, or impairment. Such abuse includes not only physical assaults such as hitting or shoving but the inappropriate use of drugs, restraints, or confinement.

Emotional Elder Abuse

Emotional elder abuse of legal and illegal drugs constitute a growing problem among older adults. In emotional or psychological abuse, people speak to or treat elderly persons in ways that cause emotional pain or distress. This includes intimidation through yelling, threats, humiliation, ridiculing, blaming, ignoring, isolating, and menacing. Elder neglect by caregivers Elder constitutes more than half of all reported cases of elder abuse.

Elderly Substance Abuse

The dangers of drug or alcohol abuse among the elderly is particularly dangerous because senior citizens are more susceptible to the deteriorating effects of these substances.

Elders have a decreased ability to metabolize drugs or alcohol along with an increased brain sensitivity to them. This makes it dangerous for seniors to use drugs or alcohol at all, even if the person isn’t addicted.

Benzodiazepines, which are used to treat anxiety, pain or insomnia, are some of the most dangerous prescription drugs for seniors. These are generously prescribed and highly addictive.

Alcohol or drug abuse may actually mimic symptoms of other medical or mental health disorders, such as diabetes, dementia or depression. Addiction can be difficult to recognize by most health providers.

Prescription Drug Abuse

The elderly are particularly vulnerable to prescription drug abuse. They take more prescription medicines then any other group.

If unable to engage socially or participate in their daily activities they are accustomed, seniors may turn to using medications to ease this reality. There are indications in behavior changes, such as becoming more withdrawn or angry. They often think or talk about a medicine. They are afraid to go without taking a medicine. They become uncomfortable or defensive when asked about a medicine.

Drug abuse in the elderly is of special concern because it can cause cognitive and physical impairment. The elderly puts themselves at greater risk for falls, motor vehicle accidents, and making them generally less able to care for their daily needs.

Polypharmacy refers to the effects of taking multiple medications concurrently to manage coexisting health problems. Polypharmacy is most common in the elderly, affecting about half living in their own homes.

Polypharmacy in many instances are often being more harmful than helpful or presenting too much risk for too little benefit. Polypharmacy becomes problematic when patients are prescribed too many medications.

Polypharmacy is often associated with a decreased quality of life, decreased mobility and cognition.

Concerns about polypharmacy include increased adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, prescribing cascade, and higher costs.

Prescription cascade refers to the process whereby the side effects of drugs are misdiagnosed as symptoms of another problem resulting in further prescriptions and further side effects and unanticipated drug interactions. This may lead to further misdiagnoses and further symptoms.

Our staff can help identify patients at risk for inappropriate polypharmacy and to educate patients and families about risk reduction.

Financial Exploitation

This involves unauthorized use of an elderly person's funds or property, either by a caregiver or an outside scam artist. Typical rackets that target elders include announcement of a "prize" that the elderly person has won but must pay money to claim.

Anxiety - Depression

Anxiety - Depression

We have a program that allows your to withdraw from your psychotic medications with counseling and holistic therapy. Contrary to what the public has been led to believe, the prevailing theories concerning serotonin and serotonin-effecting drugs did not originate from either doctors or scientists. They began life as intensive pharmaceutical marketing programs, which promoted fabricated scientific facts so successfully that they became facts in the minds of doctors, regulators and the general public. Depression is usually linked to nutrient deficiency, nutrition loss through pharmaceutical drug use, and sources of toxicity, such as heavy metals. Psychological depression is often the result of a physical metabolic depression that is caused by starvation hormones that are triggered by the aforementioned factors.

Anti-depressant drugs carry massive risks, not only to the brain, but also to the heart, kidneys, liver, and central nervous system. Scientific research that is independent of the pharmaceutical industry has repeatedly shown that SSRI drugs can cause severe kidney and liver damage. These drugs also have the potential to cause cardiac arrest and a Parkinson's-like syndrome. Doctors are not required to advise patients of these risks, and they rarely do. The ability of these psychiatric drugs to cause AGGRESSION is routinely hidden under other names.

The food you eat directly affects your brain. Food is the best medicine. All your cells are built from what you eat. Your body is recycled in few years. Dietary fats are the building blocks of brain tissue and help balance hormones. Muscles are built from protein. Different vitamins and minerals are used to create energy and to generated impulses along neurons. Over hundred thousand phytonutrients from plants repair cells and fight cancer. A nourishing diet is the best strategy against depression. The food we eat affects both our human and microbial cells. Numerous studies have shown that food changes the collection of beneficial gut bacteria called the microbiome.. The standard American diet causes intestinal permeability that harm the microbiome. This creates chronic inflammation that leads to depression. Many studies have shown that people who eat an anti-inflammatory diet have significantly lower risks of depression.

Anxiety and panic attacks are fully resolvable when approached correctly. ​Many have succeeded in conquering their anxiety or panic attacks with the highly effective therapy.

Trauma, PTSD, Intimacy Issues


Trauma, PTSD, and Intimacy Issues

Mindfullness Psychology and Healing Touch for Veterans Healing Ceremonies for Veterans

Alternative modalities to treat and heal PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and MST (military sexual trauma) for Veterans, Wounded Warriors, families and friends concerning war time issues and re-integration into life at home.

Understanding the essence of your life force energy in terms of your health, relationship to your self, life and others is my primary focus in my session work, either through counseling, therapeutic coaching, hypnosis, behavioral analyst work or shamanic ceremonies that establish your connection to true reality, Nature. At times, we may encounter your Shadow and then we do deep healing work based on your beliefs conceptualized in early childhood development.

If needed, I do Body Work to remove pain tapes stored within your muscle memory or cellular encoding. I conduct my sessions according to your pace and comfort level.

I work with your 5 aspects of Self in solving your issues or concerns: Emotional, Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Sexual.

I understand the concerns that Veterans face upon returning home. I employ ancient methods of self-healing and hands-on healing to help you regain total self acceptance. I can clear past lives and ghosts that may continue to haunt you in your readjustment to a natural way of Life.

Lonely Knights