My specializations include:
mentoring men on social skills for dating, resolve anxiety and depression through holistic approach, resolve trauma, PTSD, and Intimacy Issues through mindfullness Psychology and Healing Touch.

Relationship Psychologist

My major specialization is mentoring men, the Lonely Knights, in social, romantic, and intimacy skills. My mentoring society assists men to become loving instead of lonely. I teach you the language of romance spoken by the feminine mystique, woman. If you are shy, inhibited, reclusive or unsure of yourself, then I can help you to unleash your inner confidence and convey it, to build a strong sense of attraction, to become much more alpha by changing your biochemistry, to increase your physical and sexual, to improve your posture and acquire a healthy physique.

My other specialization is giving therapy for trauma or PTSD condition, especially the Veterans. I find somatic psychotherapy is one of the best ways to help those suffering from psychological traumas to recover and live a normal life. Somatic therapy is a holistic therapy that studies the relationship between the mind and body in regard to psychological past. The trauma symptoms are the effects of instability of the autonomic nervous system. Your past traumas disrupt your system. Our bodies hold on to past traumas which are reflected in our body language, posture and also expressions. In some cases past traumas may manifest physical symptoms like pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunction and immune system dysfunction, medical issues, depression, anxiety and addiction.

My other specialization is counseling for anxiety and depression through a holistic approach. I have medically supervised program that removes all your dependency on psychotic medications. Research proves that anti-depressants often work by a placebo effects and have dangeros side effects.


The main office is located in Northern California. I am immediately available to serve all major cities in the Bay area. These include San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Sonoma, and San Jose.

House Calls, Corporate and Private Events

We travel throughout the country for the convenience of our clients and provide premier service like none other.

Phone consultations.

I do phone consultations.


I was born, raised and embraced by the sensuous, warm waters of Northern Florida.
I was educated and matured in the eclectic ways of California thinking and being.

Counseling Psychologist

I hold the highest standard in the counseling. I am committed to lifelong standards of our esteemed profession. I help people create the lives and relationships they desire using a holistic and communication approach. I am a personal growth and relationship psychologist with over 25 years of experience. My unique background includes work in counseling, teaching, coaching, therapy and community organization. The diversity of my experience, personal and professional, allows me to work with clients with compassion and wisdom.

I am a counseling Psychologist, M.A. University of San Francisco.
I am also a certified massage therapist. If needed, I do Body Work to remove pain tapes stored within your muscle memory or cellular encoding. I conduct my sessions according to your pace and comfort level.

As a counseling psychologist, I use some of the following methodologies:
Counseling, therapeutic coaching, behavioral analyst work, and hypnosis. I employ ancient methods of self-healing and hands-on healing to help you regain total self acceptance to understand the essence of your life force energy in terms of your health, relationship to your self, life. I can work with your aspects of Self in solving your issues or concerns: Emotional, Physical, and Mental; and clear your past and ghosts that may continue to haunt you in your readjustment to a natural way of Life. At times, we may encounter your Shadow and then we do deep healing work based on your beliefs conceptualized in early childhood development.


M.A., Counseling Psychology, University of San Francisco 1991
Certified Massage Therapist
Certified Ericksonian Hypnotherapist
Certified Shamanic Hypnotherapist
Re-Evaluation Counselor
Conscious Aging Facilitator (Institute of Noetic Sciences)
Anti-Aging and Nutrition Specialist
Graduate of the Julie Nation Acting Academy
Psychodrama training
Educator - Conferences, radio, television

Free Consultation

I offer a FREE 20 minute initial consultation so we can meet in person for discovery.


Upcoming classes and workshops to be announced.

Lonely Knights